
The countdown begins

The cynic in me just can't resist. To me it just looks like a bad movie script waiting to happen. Don't get all bent out of shape with this, I'm just having a little fun here.

I've added the countdown to Osama Bin Ladin's arrest to the sidebar on the blog, just to see if this really happens. It probably won't, but it'll be fun in the meantime.

I asked myself the other day, "What is the one thing that would guarantee the re-election of George W. Bush?" I answered myself by saying, "Why of course, the perfectly timed and executed capture and arrest of Osama Bin Ladin." (You see, I'm in my mid-thirties, I've passed the age where it began to be ok for me to have conversations with myself.)

So I thought, when would be the best time for this to happen. I bounced a few ideas off myself and came up with around 10 AM on October 30, 2004. This would be the Saturday before the election. Why then you ask? Two reasons. First, that gives every major newspaper in the country time to splash it all over the front page of the Sunday edition. And second, it gives the Democratic Party almost no time to mount a serious response. Wag the dog? You bet.

Why am I giving this possibility any real thought at all? Again, two reasons. First, W. was on one of the news magazine shows about a year ago and he was asked why, with all the technology available, they didn't know where Osama was? W. smugly responded, "How do you know we don't know where he is?" Evidence that for all practical purposes, they just might be waiting for the time to be right. And second, if my memory serves me correctly, news that Saddam Hussein was in custody hit the mainstream media right around 10 AM on a Saturday morning. A trial run perhaps?

So anyways, let's just have some fun with this and see if the Great Karnac here has any voodoo in his crystal ball. LOL.