
Back among the living

Whew...what a god-awful week this has been. Monday afternoon I noticed that both this site and my hockey site were down. Long story short, my hosting company (AngelNetworkz.net) was a bit behind in payments to the actual server owners (Managed.com). So Monday afternoon, Managed bitch-slapped AngelNetworkz by pulling the plug on all their servers. No warnings. No chance to get backups off the server. Everything just gone.

Long story short, after six days of jumping thru hoops and hearing promises every day that the servers would be turned back on, I'm finally back up. But just long enough to get switched over to a new and hopefully more stable, hosting company.

Valuable lesson learned: Always, always keep multiple backups of your website in different locations. You never know when you're gonna need them. I had one offsite backup, which unfortunately got corrupted on my old computer before I switched to my new Dell last month. I realize it was almost two weeks old, but it would have been better than nothing.

So anyways, I've ordered a new server for my sites and as soon as that is ready, I'll be making my move over and saying goodbye to AngelNetworkz.