
The last time was Rocky IV

After being unable to get a ticket for the Friday night opening of Fahrenheit 9/11, Mrs Shu and I conspired to get tickets early for the 7PM show on Tuesday night. I left work and went right to the Carousel and snagged two tickies on the way home. Good thing...it was another sold out show.

(Caution...I'm gonna date myself here) When I was a teenager, I went with some friends to the historic Bay Theatre in Green Bay, Wisconsin to see Rocky IV. The Bay theatre was one of those old, nostalgic theatres which also was used for stage productions. (Of course the miracle of modernization and movie multiplexes have rendered this theatre obsolete and it was demolished years ago) My friends and I hit the upper balcony, which, in those days, was pretty much reserved for those "troublesome teens". The show started. We watched Apollo get beat up and die at the hands of the "Red Menace". We watched as Rocky struggled thru his inner and outer conflicts. And we watched as people stood up and cheered in their seats when Rocky, the hero, the representative of all that was good and forthright about America, starting whooping Commie butt.

That was the last time I saw people stand up and applaud, much less cheer, for anything at a movie theater.

Until last night.

Yes the movie made President Bush look like a fool. We knew that going in. But some of the information presented there was also definitely damning.

Take, for example, the way Moore presents the continued use of fear as way to drive support for the war in Iraq. The constant terror warnings with no specific information. He presents a pretty good case. Americans respond pretty well to fear. Anyone remember those drills in elementary school where they made you get under your desk before the nuclear bombs hit? (Like some cheap sheet metal and pressboard could really protect us from radiation.) Is the constant reminder of the threat of terrorism really any different than the constant fear of a nuclear war that was used against us in the 80s? Hmmm...both were brought to a head under Republican presidents. Both Reagan and little Bush have foundering economies. Both saw and are seeing massive increases in defense spending. Both have run up huge national debts.

People used to say that Clinton's bombing of Afghanistan during his inquisition was a "wag the dog" reaction to shift attention away from the real problems. I can't help but wonder if we aren't seeing the same thing on a much grander scale. And to make things all the more troublesome, throw in the financial benefits.

Like Donald Sutherland's character said to Kevin Costner in JFK. (paraphrasing) Who stands to benefit?

Follow the money folks.


The Gate City RibFest


The Gate City RibFest


Several offers?

Just an update on the Generals situation.

I happened to be speaking with an employee(who shall remain nameless) of the Generals organization on Monday. This person wouldn't go into specifics, but apparently the team has received "several quality offers" to purchase the team from as yet unnamed groups. They are in the negotiation process now but this person assured me that there will be a team this year.

Let's hope they're right.

The highly coveted GMail

I was lucky enough to land a gmail invite from a friend overseas a little while back. It's a cool system once you get used to the different format. I got Mrs Shu signed up with it using one of my free invites. Now I have several left and I'm willing to give up two to the first two people who leave a comment on this message. Please include an email address to send it to. Two 1-gigabyte accounts...free for the asking...


Prognosis..."Terminal" or "Do you have an appointment?"

We love movies. Mrs. Shu and I stepped out Friday evening to take in The Terminal and were left wondering why.

Why would Stephen Spielberg put out a movie with more holes in it than swiss cheese? Why would Spielberg put out a movie where a little old Indian guy steals the show?

After the flick was over, we were driving to a local establishment to get a late dinner and we were doing our own review. We both agreed it was a good, not great, movie. We both agreed that the parts played by just about everyone in the movie could have been played by anyone else with the same effect.

You'll notice I said just about everyone. Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta Jones had very little chemistry. Robin Williams and just about any other of the hundreds of "cute" actresses could have turned in equal or better performances. The show stealer? Kumar Pallana as "Gupta". His signature line in this movie "Do you have an appointment?" provided most of the much-needed comic relief in this show.

See the movie but go to a matinee. Don't pay full price for it.


Lack of updates

I apologize for the lack of anything substantial here lately. I've been extremely busy getting my new website up and running. I've still got a bunch of work to do on it but the base is ready to go and you can take a look at it if you'd like. The subject? Hockey of course! lol

You can check it out at http://www.hockeyphotoproject.com

You can credit my wife with helping me come up with this idea. Being Generals fans, every time I told her that the Gens acquired a new player, she would always ask, "What does he look like?" This would send me Googling photos until I found something. At some point along the line I asked myself, "Why doesn't someone put together a site where fans of all the leagues and all the teams can post the pictures they take at the games? Oh, and make that site searchable too." And thus, the Hockey Photo Project was born.

There aren't many pictures up yet but hopefully interest will grow as hockey season approaches and more people find out about the site. And hey, if you have any old pictures of the Monarchs, Generals, Hurricanes, or any other teams laying around, scan em and upload em. I'm sure others will enjoy seeing them.


New comment system

As of this evening, I'm testing out the Haloscan system for commenting. I wasn't real happy with the old system. I'm not sure if I'm going to go with this one yet or not but I thought I'd give it a try. Lemme know what you think. I saved the old comments from the previous posts and will move them into whatever system I ultimately decide to go with.


Hogg hits the nail

David Hoggard hits the nail on the head for the solution to the Greensboro Generals woes. Similar to an idea I floated a while back on the Greensboro Sports Board. Coming from Green Bay where the Packers fans enjoy a public ownership situation, I think this is going to be the future of many sports teams.

The Answer to a Greensboro Dilemma


They just don't get it

Why would you NOT want hockey in Greensboro?

I keep reading the N&R articles about the future of the Generals (1,2) and keep asking myself why they City wouldn't want a hockey team as it's major tenant?  They proved last year that the city and Coliseum Director Matt Brown could run the team at a break even.  Even the N&R admits this...

Although the team's operations are expected to break even this season, Brown has said not having the team could hurt the coliseum. Revenue from concessions, parking and luxury boxes could drop if the coliseum was empty for the team's 36-game home schedule.

The coliseum predicts it will lose $1.8 million this year and again next year. Any losses it incurs are made up by general tax revenue.

So what.  Look at the bigger picture folks.  Brown said it himself in a 1999 article in the Triad Business Journal (free registration required)...

...And it is why Brown was proud of his complex's performance, despite its continuing need for hefty taxpayer support. The coliseum often puts on events it knows won't put it in the black, but that overall will benefit the community. One study put the Greensboro complex's economic impact value at $40 million a year.

Hmmm...a $1.8 million loss vs over $40 million (to which I'm sure the Generals and their fans contribute at least a few million) in economic impact for the local community.  All I can say is...DUH!!!

Add to that a more favorable weekend schedule for the upcoming season and the potential benefits the Generals could reap from an NHL lockout for the upcoming season and again I say...DUH!!!

Why would you NOT want hockey in Greensboro?