I'm feeling sleeeeeepy
Looks like this company has the answer if you need a siesta during the work day.
Whatever happened to sleeping at home? $14 for a 20 minute nap?
What a world we live in.
TheShu keeps an eye on Greensboro and the world
Looks like this company has the answer if you need a siesta during the work day.
Whatever happened to sleeping at home? $14 for a 20 minute nap?
What a world we live in.
I am encouraged about the future drivers in Greensboro. NOT!
I was walking from the parking deck to my office in downtown Greensboro this morning when I got to the intersection of Elm and Friendly. I was standing on the corner waiting for the light to change when I noticed a Student Driver car approaching the intersection. The part where this gets good is when the Student Driver car SPED up to make it thru the intersection on a yellow light. What the hell was that driving instructor telling this kid?
I just can't wait for this kid to get his license.
No wonder there's so much sh*t coming out of the White House...
Paper maker smells money in elephant dung. 26/07/2004. ABC News Online
Are you getting old when you go out looking for a new pair of tennis shoes, you look at all the big name stuff and end up coming home with the $25 Dr. Scholls sneakers with the gel insoles?
I thought so.
For those of you still waiting for your gmail account, you may want to try Walla!.
It's basically a no frills 1gig email account. But what the hey, it's free.
Got talked into going to the Bats game Friday night to see the fireworks after the game. They won. Go figure. Great fireworks. My buddy from the Greensboro Sports Board "Chabbert" came by and bought me a few beers. Good. Very Good.
I love America.
Have you heard about this? It apparently took two years for someone to notice this little gaffe. Look at the red arrow.
The Smoking Gun: Archive
Full story here
This is the first year that I've attended any Bats games. So far, I've made it to four games. I've seen four losses. Maybe I need to stop going. :)
An article in today's edition of the Greater Greensboro Observer (no online link available yet) names Vic Sapp as a potential buyer for the team.
According to the article, Sapp is a Raleigh businessman with ties to Greensboro and is the Chairman of the North Carolina AAU boys basketball program.
Further, Sapp says in the article that he's been looking at the preliminary numbers and thinks the team could be profitable but says he needs to make sure it can work before he puts a team of investors together. He says he thinks he knows of some ways to cut overhead and "with the right kind of marketing, turn this thing into something that is not losing a ton of cash."
The article also paraphrases Sapp as saying that marketing is paramount to ensuring the future of the team. "And that future involves getting the kids involved. The city needs a good youth program that could evolve into something like what we have with the AAU program. Once you get the children, you get the adults, but no one has found a way to bring the kids into this in a big way."
In the end, the article quotes Sapp as saying, "But again, it's like I said, it ultimately comes down to what the numbers look like."
(This post also published on the Greensboro Sports Board)
My quest for a good fish sandwich in the Triad has lead me to one conclusion.
We need to import more Catholics from northern states.
You see, Southern states have a rather low population of Catholics by comparison with Northern states. In the north, many practicing Catholics still follow the "No meat on Fridays" doctrine. This, in turn, drives demand for seafood restaurants. Not so much the all-you-can-eat shrimp places or the Red Lobsters, but the corner bar, fish-on-Friday's kinds of places. The kind of places that take a big honkin' piece of cod, deep fry it and throw it on a bun with fish- hanging-off-the-sides kinds of places. Add some tartar sauce, a side of fries and, if you're into it (which I am not) , some cole slaw.
That's good eatin'.
Now I've tried several of the more well known seafood places here in Greensboro to no avail. I'm open for suggestions. Or else, you need to help me raise the number of Catholics in the Triad.
By the way, I made my first trip back to Northeast Wisconsin in almost six years back in January. I was able to catch a perch plate at the Palm Gardens in Champion, Wisconsin and let me tell ya, if you like fish, there ain't nothing like it. A double order of breaded, deep fried lake perch right out of the bay of Green Bay with fries and some rye bread. Mmmmm-mmmm good. I highly recommend it if you ever happen to be in the Green Bay area.
As part of my job, I am a frequent visitor to the Guilford County website. I was pretty surprised this morning to find out that the county website got an overhaul overnight. Not much new in the way of content, but definitely a new look
Welcome to Guilford County